Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Traffic Season 2008

So, met That Word Guy for lunch today, and there was some talk about the shutdown of a section of road for the upcoming week, and what a traffic nightmare it was. (And I even left lunch with a present... a bottle of jarred tomato sauce that is supposed to be f'ntastic... have to figure out when I can try it in the next couple weeks... sweet!!!!!)

I noticed traffic was a little heavier going in to work today, but didn't think much about it.

Going home? Ugh. My usual 20-30 minute drive was jammed - after 30 minutes of driving I could still see my office building (which might have been partly because I made a very wrong decision to try and avoid some other traffic I saw). Took over an hour to get home, and I had left word late. Didn't get home until 6:30.

I hatched the plan late in the day to make the Crispy Shrimp from Everyday Food for dinner. Made it before, very good, quick and easy. But getting home that late and having a goal of dinner on the coffee table (we do have a proper dining table, and have never once used it during dinner hour when we didn't have company) by 7pm, I knew the shrimp were out. So, it was the very non-gourmet plan of canned reduced-fat corned beef hash and eggs.

After I get past the initial dog-food-like smell of corned beef hash, I really don't mind the stuff. Yes, I prefer the stuff I make with real corned beef, but I don't often have real corned beef on hand And the hubby loves it. Cooked that until it had some nice crispy bits, fried up some eggs, toasted some English muffins, and dinner was done.

Went to make my lunch for tomorrow, planning to do a chicken/hummus/veggie wrap, only to open the container of chicken and get an immediate "off" smell. I'm not usually one to be squeamish about leftovers, but this was a rare case where there was no way I was going to eat what came out of that container. Luckily I did have some leftover beef from a roast last week that still smelled OK, so that went in to the wrap.

Hopefully there will be time to do the shrimp tomorrow.

Also, tonight was apparently the last episode of Ghost Hunters on Sci-fi for the next few weeks, which hopefully means the Wednesday Workout should be back next week. Yay!!!

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