Monday, February 11, 2008

I'm really, really sick of the snow.

Driving home last week during the big snow dump we had. They at least let us leave early (I got out about 2:30pm) but my usual 20 minute drive took about an hour and half. Notice the only "clear" spot in the roads is the ruts, and the six inch high sludge.

And this is what happens when I've had the heat on for awhile and I stop on a decline and all the snow slides off the top of my car roof....

And this is what it looks like when I get home to find they shoveled the neighbor's driveway... and threw all the snow in our driveway for some reason...

It was about 8pm before they shoveled out our driveway. Nice.

We've got more snow on the way tonight, but it shouldn't be more than a couple inches.

Tonight was a yummy dinner for me...

That is the Trout with Haricots Verts and Almonds (FYI... Hericot Verts = Fancy French Green Beans) done with a slightly different execution. I was doing it for just me (gave the hubby a steak to naw on) so I steamed the fish filet with the green beans in the microwave, cut it down to a tablespoon of browned butter. But oooooooohsoyummygood. And man, I love love love those microwave steamer bags.

We've got more snow on tap for tonight/tomorrow. Oh yay. Not as exciting of a food day, either... it will either be the chicken breasts with the avocado salsa or the Polish spaghetti. I'm thinking with looking forward to travel hell in the morning and possibly in the evening, it might be the p'sketti.


Hurricane Mikey said...

What is this "snow" you speak of???

Scarehaircare said...

That trout looks amazingly divine. I'm coming to dinner, snow or no snow.

Unknown said...

Snow... it's what they have up at Mt. Charleston, right??

And Carrie - the trout is wonderful. I used a fresh lake trout, even though the recipe suggests rainbow trout. It'd probably be good over any mild fish. The most amazing/odd thing about it was the bites with everything (sauce, fish and beans) was better than the non-bean bites. I like green beans, but I never know they could make something actually better...

Hurricane Mikey said...

Next time, just heap it all into a bowl like KFC does!
