Woo! Time to get the ribs and chicken wings started!!
Took everything out of the fridge, and sliced my ribs into serving-sized slabs. Really, the recipe has them so tender by the end, it's easier to have them sliced at the start. Or at least that's been my experience all the times I've gone with this recipe.
... meet rub.....
Don't forget, gotta rub both sides.... front...
And back....
A mess of lovely ribs, in lovely rub, about to go into the fridge so I can cook them tomorrow....
And you really do have to rub it on to the meat. No, it's not icky to touch cold, raw meat. It's something you have to do if you want a good result. Deal with it.
And by the end, your hands and board will look something like this...
And you'll likely have rub all over your counter, floor, and any small children and animals that were underfoot. But it's worth it.
Next up... the wings....
They saw the rub and wanted to be a part of the fun. Can you blame them? I also had a little rub leftover and I figured it was easier to use it here since I still have plenty more to use up.
Thew them in my big ol' pot to steam for fifteen minutes. In that fifteen minutes, I was able to clean up, unload and then load up the dishwasher, shovel off the deck for the hubby who was trying to fix out staticy phone line and was then on a run to Menards, finish putting away the groceries, and cure the common cold.
Ok, maybe I didn't cure the common cold. But I did have some lovely looking wings....
Let those cool, and packed them up and into the fridge they went.
I'm still not exactly sure how I'm going to swing the cooking tomorrow... the wings need about an hour in the oven, the ribs need three. Very different temps. I think I'm either going to do the wings first as a kinda pre-game warm up and then focus on the ribs, or start the ribs and sneak in the wings after two hours and just let the ribs sit while I do the wings. Right now, leaning to the first option.
And nurtz... I forgot to adjust my blue cheese dip today. Oh well.
And I even had time to paint my toenails today. I'm a pretty happy Hausfrau right now.
About touching raw meat. For the squeamish, try latex exam gloves (although I have a latex contact allergy, they seem to not bother me--go figure). I get them at Walgreens in a box of 50 for 5 bucks and use them when I work with raw chicken. Keeps the yuck out from under the nails, and you can just peel one off if you want to touch something without having to wash your hands.
My mother in law actually uses them too... I always forget to pick them up. They might have helped while I was doing the rub... I was still picking it out from under my nails on Sunday.
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