I personally like the flavor of Farmland bacon better than Oscar Mayer, but I like OM's center cut bacon, so I have been buying that. But Farmland was on sale the last few times I bought bacon, so I've got a couple pounds of that on hand.
Hubby's only complaint about dinner was the bacon. He said it was too fatty (and it is more fatty than the center cut bacon, which he has apparently gotten used to). Oh well. At least the feral cats were happy happy happy for the leftover bacon.
I didn't want to spook them with the flash (although I doubt it would spook them, there was pork product to be had and those two guys - I call them "Gray & White Fluffy" and "Black & White Fluffy" - are ALL about anything pork that I throw out) so it was hard to get a totally clear picture, but that is a lot better than the old camera would have done.
After dinner I figured I'd get a jump on tomorrow night's dinner... crawfish enchiladas. It's a Fat Tuesday tradition around here... well, that or going out for cajun. And since I'm expecting a very long and tedious workday tomorrow, I'd rather sit in front of my own TV in my stretchy clothes with a Dixie beer and eat.
Red pepper, yellow pepper, green pepper, green onion, red onion, jalepenos and some buttah, chopped and ready to go...
Look at it... it just looks like Mardi Gras...
Think I can get beads for flashing my cooking and not the rack? I think I should be able to.
I added my garlic not too soon after, when the colors were all a little more faded/blended. I almost always miss with at least one garlic clove, and it ends up on my teapot.
Sorry, teapot! But c'mon... you love garlic, don't you??
This is one of those recipes that calls for like 1/4 cup amounts of all the peppers and onions. C'mon. I hate having to cut up a half a pepper for a recipe, since I usually forget about the other half until it's turned into a science experiment in my fridge. So, I just chopped up all I had, and removed about half of the pepper/onion mixture. I can find another use for that. Until then, it'll likely end up in the freezer.
Added my flour and started with a little chili powder...
Added my milk and the rest of the spices....
*cough cough cough cough* Holy moly, um... I tasted one of my jalepenos and it didn't burn the skin off my hand while I was chopping it so I didn't think it was that strong, but wowsa, at this point in time I realized that one of my peppers was REALLY potent. Oh well. I'm just happy we've got a few Dixie beers on hand, since we may need them tomorrow.
Add the crawfish and some cheese... I usually do less cheese in the filling so I can add more cheese on top for cheesy, gooey goodness.
Stir.... pretty.... (*cough cough cough cough* I hope this mellows by tomorrow....)
So, filling is done and I just need to do assembly tomorrow. Piece of cake. And I should be able to get that and some red beans & rice (fromabag... hey, I like the Vigo rice mixes) and get more workout in. Because I'll need it. Sure, this recipe is pretty healthy and all, but tomorrow is also Pączki Day around these parts, and the parent-in-laws usually bring us some pączki (pronounced poonch-key... I know, I know... it's Polish. How it looks and how it is said is really different. Look into Russian sometimes, that language is WAY whacky) from the good Polish bakery, so I'll need to make sure my behind gets in a very good 30 minutes on the elliptical if I want to enjoy my big ol' jelly doughnut.
Two words that will never be part of my vocabulary -- "Leftover Bacon"
Love your pictures with the new phone. Oh, and the food looks pretty good too.
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