We've been stuck with cold and snow and more cold and more snow since pretty much the first of the year. But the weekend brought the lovely drip-drip-drip-glop-drip noises of a thaw and two feet of snow melted, I believe we might actually see spring, eventually.
I needed to leave work early today... repair dude was coming to fix my elliptical. Oh, happy day! I've really been missing it.
So, 2:30pm with the sun shining and it being a whopping 60 degrees outside, I was happy to get out of work. Getting in 45 minutes early for a few days was TOTALLY worth it all when the sunshine hit me outside.
Got in the car, rolled the windows down, cranked some tunes and tried to enjoy the moment. I decided that if the repair dude came early enough, I'd run to the grocery that is basically across the street and get some brats and buns and get some grill on.
Sometimes, a girl just needs to grill.
I am one of those crazy people you will sometimes see out grilling in the rain, or even the snow. I come from a family of year-round grillers. When I get my next grill (which will be better than the $120 lowest model gas grill I have now) I will become a year-round griller again. Hopefully by then we can get a brick or slab patio that will be easy to shovel off.
Repair dude was supposed to show between 3pm and 5pm, he was at the door at three and out the door 15 minutes later. Oh yeah!
Did a quick run to the store and apparently I was not the only one with brats on the brain... they were totally sold out of my favorite brand of brats, so I had to go for the second favorite. And I was so excited that I forgot to buy a green pepper for the hubby (whoops).
Came home, and I was so excited to get on my elliptical that I didn't even notice I'd forgotten to set the timer/program until after about 10 minutes. Oh well, extra workout for me today!
Opened all the blinds, opened a window, and just enjoyed the sunshine after that. I know gloom & doom is likely to hit by the end of the week. I suspect layoffs will happen on Friday, and I still cannot tell if I'm going to be part of it or not. Usually you can tell by people that stop looking you in the eye and so on, I've been thru this enough times to know some signs, but I just can't tell this time.
But at least we had a nice, tasty dinner, even if I was out grilling in the dark...
Some zucchini slices and some onions in a packet.....
Lovely browned brats and re-warming my leftover potatoes from Sunday.
A Happy Meal, indeed.
Who cares if it's going to rain tomorrow and possibly snow again by the weekend, or that I may be headed to the unemployement office on Monday, this was a meal where I could believe that spring is really *just* around the corner and maybe it won't all be gloom and doom.
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